HIM :" You knoww thiis is my wifee?"
HER:"Ohh really?
HIM: "Yupp were going to get married"
HER: " wow I never knew thiis. lol"
So, I though he was just joking seeing thatt he was drunk. Thenn that night he wannted to come see me att my housee. He was speaking to one of my girls and she told me. I was liiikee WTF ? she wass likee he liikes yuu! turnss outt he wasnt kidding whenn he said that earlierr. so I hadd to ask hiim for myy self. Well he didntt payy hiis phone biilll. we needed a wayy too speak so we started e-mailing from ourr phones. lol turns outt he really did liike me and has for awhiilee. I was in shockkk ! So he asked me watt i wannted to do aboutt it. and I said idk watt yuu wanna do ? He said he wanted to talk to me on some relationshipp statuss. So I said we cann tallk butt no promisees. That night he keptt me up tilll 4:30 in the morning and I had to be up for work at 4:45. My sleep wass greatt.
From there were started talking, and it turns outt I really liikee hiim too, and got me thiinking about us maybee having a good relationshiippp. We would chiill and justt have fuunn. Even though he abuses me lol jk he stilll manages to keep a smile on my face some how everytiime im witt him. Then last night something not so pretty happened. NO i didnt play hiim and he didnt playy me, because i know yuu are thinking that. But watt happened isnt importantt. But now im not suree where we stand. I havent spokee to hiim all dayy todayy, and I donnt wanna be the one to make the first call or send the firstt textt. Welll if he doesnt wanna speak to me anymore I understand and I'lll stilll respect hiim. But I really liike hiim and I hopee that everythiing turns outt for the bestt. Butt alll I cann do is hopeee. <3